Success is not one-size fits all. Are you defining success on your own terms? 

Welcome to this edition of my newsletter dedicated to defining success on your own terms to provide you with valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate the complex landscape of success as a creative person.

Success is often portrayed as a one-size-fits-all concept, with society dictating what it means to be successful. However, as a creative individual, it is crucial to define success in a way that aligns with your unique values, aspirations, and creative journey. Let's delve into four key ideas and strategies that can help you shape your own definition of success.

1. Embrace Your Authenticity, and this can also include Your Vulnerability

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of embracing your authenticity when defining success. To define success on your own terms, it is essential to reflect on what truly matters to you as a creative individual. 

Ask yourself: What are your core values? What brings you joy and fulfillment in your creative pursuits? How do you measure progress and growth? How do you want your work to impact others? By aligning your definition of success with your authentic self, you can create a meaningful and fulfilling creative path.

As a creative person, your work is an expression of your inner self. Success should not be solely measured by external validation or financial gains but rather by how true you are to your creative vision and voice.

2. Setting Meaningful Goals

Setting goals that align with your personal definition of success is crucial for maintaining motivation and direction in your creative pursuits. However, it is important to set goals that are meaningful and within your control. Instead of fixating on external validation, focus on goals that allow you to grow, learn, and push your creative boundaries. You will have some expected resistance every time you reach the edge of your comfort zone, and with knowledge and strategies you can push beyond to accomplish each next step.

3. Redefine Traditional Metrics and Emphasize the Process over Outcome

I encourage you to redefine traditional metrics of success. In a world often focused on fame, fortune, and recognition, it is essential to challenge these conventional notions and find alternative ways to measure your progress and achievements. If you are focusing solely on the external markers of success, such as fame or financial gain, this can lead to personal dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment. By shifting your focus and valuing the journey rather than the end result, you can cultivate a sense of satisfaction and purpose in your creative business and endeavors. In addition to reaching the planned steps of your goals, success can be found in the act of creating, exploring new ideas, overcoming challenges, meeting new people, gaining new clients and forming new strategic partnerships with others.

Celebrate small victories along the way, such as completing a challenging project or receiving positive feedback from fellow creatives whose opinions you value. By reframing success in terms of personal growth, creative exploration, and the impact you have on others, you can find a more fulfilling and sustainable definition of success as you move forward to your dreams. 

4. Cultivate Resilience and Persistence

It is important to cultivate resilience and persistence as a creative individual. The path to success is rarely linear, and setbacks and challenges are inevitable. However, it is how you respond to these obstacles that ultimately shapes your creative journey.

Success on your terms requires perseverance, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from failures. Embrace the process of trial and error, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and maintain a resilient mindset. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow creatives who understand the ups and downs of the creative process. Creatives have this innate bonding as we relate to one another’s “I understand exactly what you are going through”. By staying committed to your goals and persisting through challenges, you can achieve success on your own terms.

Wishing you a successful journey ahead!

Quote define success goals creative artist designer  

A Powerful Vision Board Story about Jim Carrey 

In 1987, down on his luck, the struggling actor sat overlooking the skyline in his beat-up old Toyota. In desperate need of motivation, a brilliant gust of inspiration came to him. He wrote himself a check for ten million dollars for future acting services to be rendered. “I put it in my wallet, and I kept there. It deteriorated and deteriorated. But then just before Thanksgiving Day 1995, I found out I was going to make ten million dollars with Dumb and Dumber.” – Jim Carrey

Do you have a vision board? 

Overcoming Challenges

Defining success on your own terms is not without its challenges. Here are a few common obstacles that we may face:

1. Comparison: It is natural to compare yourself to others in your field, but it can be detrimental to your self-esteem and creativity. Do you realize what is unique about you or a potential niche that you can fill?

2. Fear of Failure: Fear of failure can hold you back from taking risks and growing personally and as a business. Embrace failure as an opportunity for learning rather than a reflection of your worth.

3. External Pressure: Society often places pressure on us to conform to certain standards or expectations. Stay true to your authentic self and vision, and remember that success is subjective.

If you are overwhelmed and frustrated about the next steps that you should take to overcome these challenges. Let’s talk. You can schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call with me so we can discuss how you can overcome challenges and continue on your journey to your success. 

Stay inspired!

Lynette Melnyk

Creativity Coach & Mindset Mentor for Entrepreneurs